One thing I haven't really delved into much on this blog is the gear side of things which is odd since when it comes to outdoor gear I am a huge gear junky. I have like 4-5 various tents, easily a half dozen stoves and almost as many cook sets the list goes on. The single most important piece of gear in my humble opinion is a good knife. Over the years I have collected lots of knives, from little folding key chain knives to fixed blade hunting knives. Each has their place but for the last two years my go to knife has been the Gerber L.S.T. Its a simple, extremely light, folding knife that holds a great edge. I carry it with me on a daily basis but it's also the only knife I carry when I go backpacking. I know a lot of people swear by the Swiss Army or multi-tool set ups but I like the simplicity of this knife, it's also a fraction of the price of those other ones. I have seen them go for about $16-25 depending on where you're at, I got mine for $20. I only have one gripe with it and thats just that I wish it had another half of an inch on the blade, as it sits now it is just short of being able to cut all the way through a summer sausage.

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